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Changer Lona Dukat ( Invoker Level 8) Chaotic Good |
Strength |
11 |
Dexterity |
18 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
19 |
Wisdom |
7 |
Charisma |
19 |
As you can see, you don't have to have high
stats in everything. Wisdom dosen't matter for a mage, so Changer's
Widsom score is really low, but her Intelligence, which does
matter, is high.
Ziyal (Cleric level 9) Lawful Good |
Strength |
Dexterity |
Constitution |
Intelligence |
Wisdom |
Charisma |
Ziyal is my cleric character. I haven't beaten
the game with her yet, but I'm almost there! When I do, I'll post
her stats.
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